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Choose your pricing plan

First Consultation

0.00 €

Get up to 2 hours video meeting to assess what we can do for your business.

Beer on Tap

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Consulting by the Hour

50.00 € per hour

The hourly fee for our service. Do you need help to improve your marketing and sales or would you like to boost your turnover in your food & beverage department? 
Do you get enough direct bookings or are you struggling with booking websites and your revenue mana
Give us a call or send an email.

Fancy Restaurant

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Graphic Design
50.00 € by the hour - or ask for an offer

Design of print medias like brochures, leaflets, posters, business cards...
Including two proofs.

Irish Musik.jpg

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Start-up Consulting Package
250.00 € per month

You are planning to start a business. We can help you to succeed.

  • 10 hours consulting per month, for a period of 3 month

  • Free website design (registration and web hosting not included)    

Garnishing Gourmet Meal

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Professional Web Design
650.00  € for a basic website

1 250.00 € for a business website

2 500.00 € for a bespoken executive website

Don't rely on WordPress and DIY. A professional website will impress potential customers and turn site visitors into bookers.
We design your state of the art website with an integrated online booking.

Image by Luke Chesser

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HMS and Booking System Implementation & Training
500.00 € per property

You need a hotel management system or a booking system to minimise your workload and to exclude mistakes like overbooking? We help you find the right booking system for the size of your business. We will set up your booking system, tailor-made for your property and we provide personal training.

Image by Carlos Muza

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Michael Reuter
Hotel & Tourism Consulting

SIRET: 95147415400014

©2023 by Hotel & Tourism Consulting

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